文︰Jack Cheng | 上載日期︰2008年9月12日 | 文章類別︰藝術寫作計劃學員評論


日期︰24 - 27/7/2008
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I really didn't think that Eliza and Elidor really devoted into their roles, because Eliza still sounded too soft and Elidor couldn't give the depress and anger like feel he is supposed to feel in scene 1 and 2.


I think every scene is okay except when Giselle and Elidor spoke in the cemetery, Elidor didn't sound really suspicious, angry, and confused and he shifted his emotion too quickly.


The structure of the script is like a 7 out of 10, is just the story that makes it look so primary school and old fashion for secondary students.


Content I say is the poorest part. The lines are too childish and the entire story doesn't really gives a topic. It seems to me that it only revolves around Elidor's life.

The set and lighting is really good I have no objection about it.


Like I said the music and lyrics are too childish for 12 and 13 years old kids to act and it makes the story even more boring, I mean everyone has seen fairytale cartoons.


My biggest dislike about the story is that it's too single character, you know every thing is Elidor, Elidor this, Elidor that.


Also if the school were to do another play or musical it should be more of a juvenile or older pre-teen story to have a good layout.






