Local Production - English
2011 / 12 / 3 - 4 |  7:30 pm
2011 / 12 / 4 |  3:30 pm
Ticket Price
HK$ 195, 120*
No. of Performance
Presented By
Produced By

Wonderland! is an unabashedly silly musical adaptation of Lewis Carroll's Through the Looking Glass.
Bored and left to her own imagination, Alice is transported through the looking glass into Wonderland, a topsy-turvy world where everything and everyone revolves around a game of chess. But this is no ordinary game of chess. In order to exist in this new world Alice must play by its weird rules. As she moves across the board she encounters a wide range of wacky and bizarre characters both strangely familiar and completely new. En route to each new square Alice must face a challenge, and only then can she move on to land eventually at her final destination, the eighth square. Alice sets out at first simply to join in and become part of the game but instead rises from the position of lowly pawn to ultimately being crowned Queen in Wonderland.