2014大專生暑期演藝課程 | |
日期 | 2014 / 7 / 21 - 25 | 10 am - 1 pm;2 - 5 pm |
場地 | |
票價 | HK$ 700 |
場數 | 5節 |
內容簡介 | 專為對劇場創作有興趣的大專生而設之一星期密集式課程。由香港本土及來自英國倫敦的專業導師帶領,從聲音及形體出發,揉合環境劇場創作理論,同學可學習如何為大專的校園創作帶來新元素,和同學一起享受一個與別不同的學習旅程,齊來為「創意」重新定位。 課題:形體 節數:2 內容: ●基本形體及身體協調練習 ●探索身體流動與空間的關係 ●利用形體創作角色 ●認識形體動作中的韻律感及其與創作的關係 ●群眾演出創作技巧 課題:聲音及歌唱 節數:1 內容: ●發聲練習 ●發掘聲音的可能性 ●格魯吉亞複調演唱(Georgian Polyphonic singing - 格魯吉亞傳統個唱文化。為人類非物質文化遺產,以口耳相傳的方式流傳,廣為歐洲當代劇場導演使用。) 課題:環境劇場創作 節數:1 內容: ●環境劇場創作 ●認識環境劇場的種類,創作形式及理論 ●環境劇場創作練習(以全層同流排練室為基礎,從建築,顏色,物料等環境元素出發,嘗試創造一個獨特的演出) 課題:團體創作及小型展現 節數:1 內容: ●學生進行分組創作 ●由導師引領下,揉合一周所學,創造別開生面的小型展現 ●分享及討論 導師簡介 Ivor Houlker Ivor Houlker is a multidisciplinary performer and theatre atist, who works internationally as an actor, musician and director. He trained as an actor at Rose Bruford (London), later going on to complete an MA at Goldsmiths College (London). He has worked with OPT Gardzienice under the direction of Włodzimierz Staniewski for a number of years, as well as collaborating with members of Tadeusz Kantor’s company, the Grotowski Centre, Mischa Twitchin (of Shunt), Helen Chadwick (Song Theatre) and Andrea Cusumano. Ivor’s own devised work has been shown in London, Edinburgh, Brighton, Prague, Palermo, Epidaurus, Wrocław, Warsaw and Lublin. Ivor specialises in creating large scale outdoors site-specific performances, involving live music, choral movement, multimedia projection, sound installation, and audience interaction. One of his most recent projects in Sicily took the form of a carnivalesque promenade piece, involving local musicians as part of the devising process, an installation that transformed two large aircraft hangars, and a medieval banquet with the audience. Ivor’s movement training is largely informed by European practitioners, including Włodzimierz Staniewski (Gardzienice), Grotowski, Lecoq and Tadeusz Kantor. Michelle Li Michelle Li holds an MA Performance Making at Goldsmiths, University of London and BA in English Studies from the University of Hong Kong. She has now returned to Hong Kong to develop her work as a multidisciplinary theatre artist. Apart from making her own work, she is also a theatre director, performer and singer. Her recent overseas works include: Festa Farina e Forca (Cantieri Culturali alla Zisa, Palmero, Sicily), Ch-ch-ch-changes (London, UK), Making a Difference (Goldsmiths, University of London, UK). Recent local works include: Woman in Black (We Draman), 13- The Musical (Theatre Noir, HK), Animal Farm (Theatre Noir, HK). Michelle is also an experienced theatre workshop facilitator who has worked a lot with primary and secondary schoool students. |
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