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Acting Monologues in English

2014 / 5 / 20 , 22 , 27 , 29 , 6 / 3 , 5 , 10 , 12 |  7:30 pm
HK$ 2400

This is an intensive acting training course through performing monologues from modern or contemporary plays that are orginally written in English. This course aims to provide a formalized and systematic acting training that is equivalent to a vocational acting training course in drama schools. It is also suitable to those who wish to further develop their English speaking skills while exploring the craft of acting. Students will be introduced to different range of approaches and methods to acting and performance.

Course Content

The main focus of the course will be on the monologues which are chosen by the tutor to the students. Students’ practice will also be supported by acting exercises, movement training, and with a special focus on voice and speech training.

This course will enable participants to:
acquire acting skills and increase their familiarity with the English language in a fun and engaging way.
experience methodology of work through movement, voice and acting training.
understand the practice of professional acting training.

Billy Sy

Billy is an actor, theatre director and rama educator now based in Hong Kong. As an actor, he has just been nominated for the “Best Supporting Actor” for the 23rd Hong Kong Drama Award this year by playing the role Posner in The History Boys with Theatre Space. He has also created and participated in several experimental theatre pieces and cabaret performances recently.

Billy has taught at many schools and leading theatre companies in Hong Kong, and is experienced in teaching adult acting courses, teachers training workshops, and provides corporate training. He was also an adjudicator for the “English, Secondary Schools Division” in the Hong Kong School Drama Festival.