
劇本閱讀(英文)——《Post Mortem》Noël Coward著

2014 / 5 / 19 |  7:15 pm
演畢一齣以第一次世界大戰爲題的劇作後,著名劇作家Noël Coward帶著一點感觸,於一九三零年寫下這齣Post Mortem,劇作卻於Coward逝世後二十年才正式搬上舞台。英國士兵John Cavan身負重傷,倒斃在法國戰壕中。死後,鬼魂拖著滿身污泥,在家人好友,以及依然存活的戰友身旁,徘徊不去,才驚覺十多年已經過去,一切早已消逝,而這場戰爭帶給他們的,原來也不過這樣。這劇正好譏諷英政府’慶祝‘第一次世界大戰爆發一百週年紀念的虛偽,同時亦反映了Coward愛國,卻非如大眾所想的那般盲目。詳情請參閱英語部份。

Post Mortem is a one-act, anti-militarist drama in eight scenes, written in 1930 by Noël Coward. He wrote it after appearing in, and being moved by, an earlier play about World War I, Journey's End. As soon as he had completed it, however, he decided that it was suitable for publication but not for production.

The play was first staged in a prisoner of war camp in Austria in 1944, and a television version was broadcast in 1968, but it was not professionally presented on stage until 1992, two decades after Coward's death. The work foreshadows Coward's treatment of the theme of ghosts in his 1940 play, Blithe Spirit in that the central part of Post Mortem portrays the protagonist John Cavan as a ghost whom everyone can see, but about whose nature the other characters are apparently not greatly concerned.

In Blithe Spirit there are two ghosts, which some characters can see and others cannot. In the opening scene John is mortally wounded in the trenches in France The next six scenes take place in England in 1930. John, now a ghost dressed in the muddy uniform he died in, encounters family, friends, and those of his wartime comrades who have survived. He finds out what the war, ended more than ten years past, has meant to them – not much, it turns out. This is the perfect choice of play to skewer the hypocrisy and cynicism of the current British government, currently ‘celebrating’ the 100-year anniversary of the outbreak of WWI. The work also indicates that Coward was not always the patriotic, pro-establishment figure that he is sometimes represented as in the popular imagination.