
Blunderbus Theatre Company
We are a professional theatre company with charitable status, established in 1998. For over 18 years we have been creating magical theatrical experiences for children and their families. We play to 200,000 children each year, touring to theatres, arts centres, schools and festivals across the UK and internationally.

Quite simply, we love working with children!

We employ a small, but dedicated team of professional actors, designers, puppet-makers, writers, directors and musicians to create our beautiful shows. Our team work 'in-house' to lovingly write, design, build, make, paint, sew and stitch every element
for each show. Everything you see on this website has been
made by us, for you to enjoy.

Our work would not be conceivable without the dedication of our core team, along with the freelance artists and volunteers who work together to weave the magic for each new project. Blunderbus is very much a team effort, and our heartfelt thanks go out to every member of staff, past and present, for their
contribution to the success of our lovely company.
2013-11-01 (五)